Doom Chaingun Mobile Turret

  1. Doom Chain Gun Mobile Turret Gunner
  2. Doom Eternal Chaingun
  3. Doom Eternal Chaingun Mobile Turret

I liked the Shield mod for the Chaingun more than the Turret Mode. The Turret has insane damage, and it's not THAT bad on bullet use overall. But the lowered mobility makes you an easy target for every projectile. It's best used to just tear up the Super Heavy demons but aside from that the regular Chaingun does the job just as well. Chaingun: Mobile Turret. Before unlocking each mod, you can see a small video showcasing what, exactly, it does. In Doom: Eternal, they activate immediately upon your death, so you don’t. Doom Eternal 's best weapon upgrades are locked behind weapon mastery challenges. If you want overpowered mods such as near-infinite heavy cannon missile spam or the ability to maintain the. The chaingun with the “Mobile turret” mod works great for shooting the boss while stunned. It deals the most damage. For the rest of the fight you can use the Gauss Rifle with “Precision Bolt” mod. Just make sure you always aim at the brain.

This Doom Eternal Weapons Guide will show you all the weapons that you can find in the game, along with the mods and upgrades that come with each weapon. There are a handful of different weapons that you can use. Every weapon plays its role perfectly in dealing with all kinds of enemies and demons that you will be facing.

Let’s go through each of the weapons you will have at your disposal, how they work and what mods and upgrades you can equip with them.

Doom Eternal Weapons Guide

Below we have detailed all the weapons in Doom Eternal.


Combat Shotgun

The Combat Shotgun will be the most commonly used weapon in the game right from the start. This weapon uses Shotgun Shells as its ammo type and works best in pulverizing smaller demons from point-blank range and will even allow you to stagger fodder demons to follow up with a Glory Kill.

The mods allow this shotgun to be even more powerful and practical against bigger enemies. The sticky bombs will stick on the enemy and explode after a second. The best thing about this mod is that it only costs one shell. The Full Auto mod will allow you to shoot all the shells consecutively, without having to pump the shotgun after every shot. However, it drains away your ammo pretty quickly, so the mod has more disadvantages than uses.

Weapon Mods

  • Sticky Bombs: This mode will turn the Combat Shotgun into a grenade launcher that can fire up to five sticky bombs.
  • Full Auto: this mode will transform the Combat Shotgun into a fully automatic weapon.

Heavy Cannon

This precision weapon uses Bullets as its ammo type, and is best against enemy weakpoints. It is also good for interrupting mobile demons like the Imp. The weapon also allows you to zoom in for additional precision, and shots can penetrate through smaller demons. When used on enemy weakpoints, the Heavy Cannon can deal massive amounts of damage.

If the weapon was not strong enough before, the Precision Bolt mod makes each round even more powerful. This can easily melt any enemy if you fire upon their weakpoints. The Micro Missile mod will

Doom Chain Gun Mobile Turret Gunner

Weapon Mods

  • Precision Bolt: This mod will allow you to bring up a semi-auto loader that fires high prevision, high powered rounds.
  • Micro Missiles: This mod will activate a twin rack of missiles that can be fired and seek toward targets.

Plasma Rifle

This weapon deals bonus damage to Energy Shields and maximizes damage potential by using at medium to close range. The Plasma Rifle uses Cells as its ammo type and works great to clear out a group of fodder demons instantly.

Plasma Rifle works best as a finisher after a salvo of Plasma rounds, and will allow you to damage multiple Energy Shields at once.

Weapon Mods

  • Heat Blast: Firing the Plasma Rifle builds up excess heat that can be released as a powerful blast
  • Microwave Beam: This mod will allow you to acquire a target, and then fire a concentrated beam of plasma energy that will lock down an enemy and cause them to explode on death.

Rocket Launcher

The Rocket Launcher uses Rockets as its ammo type and will deal massive explosive damage. It is great to target a group of smaller enemies or even larger slow-moving enemies. The weapon is great for dealing damage behind shields or to hit a charging Pinky on its back.

While you can use Rockets against nearby enemies, you have to make sure that you don’t get close to its blast radius as it will also deal damage to you.

Weapon Mods

  • Remote Detonate: This mod will allow you to detonate any rockets in flight
  • Lock-On Burst: This mod will allow you to lock onto a target, and then firing three rockets all at once at the locked target.

Super Shotgun

This weapon also uses the Shells as its ammo type, which is also shared by the Combat Shotgun. It deals massive amounts of damage from point-blank range against all types of enemies. It even allows you to take out multiple fodder demons with a single blast. The best thing about this weapon is the hook that grasps an enemy and pulls to towards them. This will close the distance between you and the enemy and firing at point-blank will destroy the enemy instantly.

The Super Shotgun is best for follow up moves like Glory Kills, Blood Punch or Chainsaw. However, reserve the ammo from this weapon for heavy demons as it can deal a lot of damage and gives you an advantage over tougher demons.

Weapon Mod

  • Improvements: General improvements to the Super Shotgun power.


The Ballista is another weapon that uses Cells as its ammo type, sharing with the Plasma Rifle. Download handbrake for mac 10.9.5. Each shot fired will use 25 Cells per round, where it fires out a powerful and accurate beam where you point at.

The weapon is great against enemy shields and can penetrate through fodder demons. While the Ballista works best against heavy enemies, it does drain a lot of ammo.

Weapon Mods

  • Arbalest: This will charge up an energy projectile that embeds in demons and then explodes.
  • Destroyer Blade: Hold to charge up and then launch an energy blade that will cleave enemies as it flies.


DoomDoom Chaingun Mobile Turret

Doom Eternal Chaingun

This is another weapon that uses Bullets as its ammo type. It is a great balanced weapon that deals damage and has an effective range and spread. The Chaingun is best used against charging demons and stopping them in their tracks. While it does slow down enemies, it drains away bullets very fast.

The Chaingun is best used against the Super Heavy enemy Baron of Hell, and the Tyrant as they will be staggered pretty quickly, allowing you to follow up with more attacks.

Weapon Mods

  • Mobile Turret: This will transform the weapon barrels into a Mobile Turret. It stalls if it overheats.
  • Energy Shield: Activate an Energy Shield that will absorb incoming damage for a short time.

Read more Doom Eternal guides:

Doom Eternal Chaingun Mobile Turret

This concludes our Doom Eternal Weapons Guide. Post your comments below.