Crimson Skies Mac Os X


Crimson Skies Download

Crimson Skies Mac Os X

Crimson Skies Pc Game

A few folks have inquired on my maps and how I put them together. So I have added this section to help explain what I do, how I do it, and what programs I use. Firstly, I use a Mac OS X, and this advice may not be of much help to those of you who are using Windows. I started off making my Kingdom maps when I first began the campaign. This installer is a beta script. It means that it might not work as expected.

Crimson Skies Pc

On the recommendation of several ARSians, I went and picked up Crimson Skies in a search to sate my love of entertainment set in the 30s/40s. I must say the game certainly has the ambience of the era (or at least the romanticized aspects that I love of the era), however, all is not rosie for Nathan Z in his new decked out fighter.
Could someone please tell/show/'splain how in the hell to change the stick config? By default, the game uses the X axis of the stick to control roll and stick twist for left/right banking, which I believe (and I could be mistaken here) is the reverse of pretty much what every flight sim/game in the known universe has done in the past.
It's so bad, that I actually can't play the damn game! Every time I go to bank, I end up rolling, and when I want to roll, I end up banking (or rather more like strafing actually). I've gone through the config screens and I can't find any way of changing the stick behaviour beyond assigning button presses to things like cycle weapons, etc. Am I missing the blatantly obvious here somewhere? I've tried to adjust my playing, but my years of playing this way absolutely refuse to allow me to adjust without a good half second delay in having to consciously think about what I want to do and then trying to do it. The problem with that, of course, is that my instincts are continually trying to correct my horrid flying by doing what I subconsciously have myself programmed to do, thus screwing me up even more in the other direction.
If real planes fly in this manner, I really don't care, all I want is to be able to configure my stick to work the way I expect it to. Someone PLEASE tell me I can alter this? Or did I just waste $10 and am basically SOL here?