Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program


For those who have tried Alberto Nunez's bodybuilding program from Kizen Training, would you mind sharing how the program is periodized from one mesocycle to the next? My general understanding is that he prescribes a given rep range per week for three weeks, then add a little weight and repeat. Bodybuilding: Beyond the Basics I don’t know a single serious lifter who doesn’t want to build more muscle. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a bodybuilder or not. Most people get into lifting to look better. Sure we might also pick up other lifting pursuits (such as getting stronger) but at our core, we still want to look good. Aug 02, 2016 124: Alberto Nunez - I want to be. How I structure fullbody workouts - Duration: 17:47. Alberto Nunez - the bodybuilding taper - Duration: 1:17:21. Revive Stronger 6,954 views.

Alberto nunez intermediate bodybuilding program for kids

TLDR: At the intermediate stage, focus on systematic ways to progress for continued growth

After the short bursts of beginner gains, an intermediate lifter needs to learn to be systematic in training for continued progress. A traditional 3 set of 10 of bench press, increasing 5lbs every week will simply not cut it as increases in strength is no longer weekly. There has to be a better way for progress to occur than simply trying to add weight.

In this course, Alberto Nunez lays out a systematic, science based approach for progression to happen. Different progression schemes are listed for compound lifts and isolation exercises.


For compound lifts, one possible progression is a monthly increase in weight. Within a block of 3 weeks, progressively decrease the reps (like from 3×12, to 3×10, to 3×8) done while increasing the weight (e.g 20kg, 22.5kg, 25kg) used in the exercise per week. After that, take a 1-week deload and then begin again from 3×12 but with a heavier weight. The example is as follows:

week 1 – Row – 85lbs x 12, 12, 12
week 2 –Row – 90lbs x 10, 10, 10
week 3 –Row – 95lbs x 8, 8, 8
week 4 – Deload by reducing sets by 1 set and weight by 10-15% from week prior and doing bottom end of rep range (8 reps)
week 5 –Row – 90lbs x 12, 12, 12
week 6 –Row – 95lbs x 10, 10, 10
week 7 –Row – 100lbs x 8, 8, 8

For isolation exercises, the way to progress is by trying to increase reps done weekly. For example, if bicep curl was done with 15kg for 3 sets of 8, try doing more reps per set next week. The likely event is that a lifter would do 9,9,8 for the next session. Keep driving this rep progression until a designated rep is reached (like 12 reps for the first set). After which a heavier weight can be used.

On top of that, if the lifter plateaus again, an extra day and extra sets are added for the movement at is plateauing. This allows more volume accumulation for the lifter at the specific movements instead of simply swapping exercises.

Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program For Women


  • Systematic and long-term progression
  • High frequency and periodized volume
  • Customizable spreadsheet for programs and intensive course


  • Expensive af
  • A minimum of 4 days per week, and will take too long if compressed into 3 days

Edit: For the comment below saying that he goes up in rep range first before increasing weight. I was referring to his compound progression as shown here.

I believe he was commenting on the isolation progression schemes below that, which was exactly what I already said, increasing the reps until a person hits a target rep range, then increasing weight.

Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Programs

Structure? Adherence? Consistency? These were probably the things that came to mind when you read the title of this week’s podcast. While all of these things are definitely important for success in the sport of bodybuilding, there are a few less recognizable ones, which are of equal importance. It’s thoughts like, “Maybe it’s not your time to get shredded yet”, that coaches Andrea Valdez, Jeff Alberts and Alberto Nunez discuss in this week’s episode.

Adobe after effects plugins megapack. A familiar statement by coach Brad Loomis is, “I am no Jeff Alberts.” What exactly does he mean by this? Does having been an athlete in a different sport prior to beginning your journey in natural bodybuilding provide some advantages? And the shocking answer to, “How long it takes after someone has started training, until you’re able to gage their ultimate physical potential in the sport of bodybuilding”, are all discussed in great length.

Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program For Kids

Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program

Alberto Nunez Bodybuilder

The group finishes their discussion by expanding out and speaking on the intermingling relationship of the sport of bodybuilding, with the rest of our life. A captivating discussion on topics such as: being a better bodybuilder doesn’t always mean you’re being a better person, and the importance of “keeping the goal the goal” transpires.



Alberto Nunez Intermediate Bodybuilding Program Pdf

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