Vose And Sons Serial Numbers

In spite of their age, many still seek these pianos out, desiring to have one for themselves, as Vose and Sons have proven to endure under the test of time. In the list of serial numbers below, locate your Vose and Sons piano age. 1853 - 500 1855 - 1400. Serial numbers are for the first piano made in year shown. In 1889 James W. Vose admitted his three sons, Willard A. Vose and Julien W. Vose, into the business and established the firm of “Vose & Sons”. Like most Boston-based piano makers, Vose and Sons has stood the expectation of manufacturing truly exceptional pianos. Vose & Sons pianos are a popular choice for students, home enthusiasts and professional musicians alike. Our available Vose & Sons pianos include a range of types, costs and conditions. Browse our available selection, or use our filters to refine your search.

This article is a list of pianobrand names from all over the world. This list also includes names of old instruments which are no longer in production.

Many of these piano brand names are 'stencil pianos', which means that the company which owns the brand name is simply applying the name to a piano manufactured for them by another company, and that the same or very similar pianos are sold under differing 'stencil' brands. This often applies to old brand names, revitalized to give an air of heritage to a new piano line, or to pianos manufactured specifically for individual dealers or shops. Also, some brand names have models that are manufactured in entirely different manufacturing plants or countries than another model of the same brand.

At July 2020 this list had 1174 entries.


  • Aarhus Pianofabrik
  • A.B. Chase
  • Ackerman & Lowe
  • Ackerman, F.J.
  • Acoustgrand
  • Acrosonic
  • Adam, F.
  • Adam, G.
  • Adam, M.
  • Adams
  • Aerts
  • Ajello
  • Albert
  • Albert & Co.
  • Albion
  • Albrecht
  • Alden
  • Aldrich
  • Alexander
  • Alex Steinbach
  • Alfred Rohr, Leipzig
  • Allgäuer
  • Allison
  • Allmendiger
  • Alois Kern
  • Altenburg, Frederick
  • Altenburg, Otto
  • American Pianos
  • American Music
  • Amherst
  • Ammer
  • Amphion
  • Amyl
  • Anderson
  • Anderson Bros.
  • Anderson Co.
  • Anderson Sons
  • Andreas
  • André
  • Andreys
  • Anelli
  • Angerhöfer
  • Apollo
  • Arcade
  • Archer
  • Arion Pianofabrik
  • Arirang
  • Armstrong
  • Army & Navy
  • Arnold
  • Artfield
  • Artmann
  • Asahi
  • Ashenback
  • Askolin
  • Astin-Weight
  • Astor
  • Atlas
  • Auburn
  • Aucher
  • Auto Piano Co.


Boardman, Gray & Co. piano at Glen Eyrie.
  • Babcock, Lewis & Alpheus
  • Babcock, Appleton & Babcock
  • Bach
  • Bachman
  • Bacon, Francis
  • Baer, C.
  • Bailey
  • Baldorr & Sons
  • Baldur
  • Baltica
  • Bannerman
  • Barber London
  • Barker
  • Barnes
  • Barrat & Robinson
  • Barthol
  • Bartlett
  • Bauer
  • Bauer, J.
  • Baumbach
  • Baumeister
  • Baumgardt
  • Baus
  • Bay
  • Bechner
  • Bechtel
  • Becker, J.
  • Becker Bros.
  • Behning & Klix
  • Behning & Sons
  • Bekker
  • Belehredek
  • Bell Piano & Organ Co.
  • Bellak & Sons
  • Bellman
  • Bellmont
  • Benjamin
  • Benedict Brothers
  • Benkert
  • Bennington
  • Bensted and sons, H.G.
  • Bentley
  • Berden
  • Berdux
  • Beregszaszy
  • Berger
  • Bergmann
  • Bernhard Steiner
  • Bernstein Wolf
  • Berry
  • Betting
  • Beulhoff
  • Biber
  • Beyer-Rahnefeld
  • Biddle
  • Bieger
  • Biese, W.
  • Billberg
  • Birke, Willy
  • Birnbaum
  • Bishop
  • Bjur Bros.
  • Blasius
  • Blenheim
  • Blondel, A.
  • Blondel, G.
  • Boardman, Gray & Co.
  • Bocage
  • Bock & Hinrichsen
  • Bogart
  • Bohemia
  • Böhme & Sohn
  • Börs, Otto
  • Bord, A.
  • Boston Piano Co.
  • Boyd
  • Brackett & Robinson
  • Brackett, J. W.
  • Bradbury
  • Bradbury, Wm. B.
  • Bradford
  • Brambach
  • Brandtner, H. Rudolf
  • Branston
  • Brasil
  • Brasted
  • Breitkopf & Härtel
  • Bremitz
  • Brentwood
  • Bretschneider, Alexander
  • Breyer
  • Briem
  • Briggs
  • Brinkerhoff
  • Brinkmann
  • Brinsmead, John
  • Bristol
  • Broadway
  • Broadwood White
  • Brodmann
  • Brooks
  • Brother
  • Brown & Allen
  • Browning
  • Bruckner
  • Brunger
  • Brunner
  • Brødrene Hals Christiania
  • Bulow
  • Burg van den
  • Burgasser
  • Burgdorfer
  • Burger & Jacobi AG
  • Burgmuller
  • Burling Mansfield
  • Bush & Lane
  • Bush & Gerts
  • Butler Bros.
  • Byelloruss


  • C. Baer
  • Cable Nelson
  • Cäcilia
  • Cahn & Cahn
  • Calisia
  • Cameo
  • Cameron
  • Camillo
  • Cappelen
  • Carl. Kierston
  • Carlton
  • Carod
  • Cauwenberghe
  • Chaika
  • Challen
  • Casio
  • Challenger
  • Charles Stieff
  • Chase, A.B.
  • Chassaigne
  • Chavanne
  • Cherny
  • Chickering, Jacob
  • Chickering & Mackays
  • Chickering Bros.
  • Christensen
  • Christman
  • Chu-Seng
  • Clark Melville
  • Classenti
  • Classic
  • Clement
  • Clementi
  • Christofori
  • Chollard
  • Chollard & Chollard
  • Cline
  • Cockuijt
  • Colby
  • Colonial
  • Cotto
  • Conn
  • Conover
  • Consolat de Mar
  • Continental
  • Conway
  • Cornish
  • Crane & Sons, Ltd.
  • Cristofori
  • Crown
  • Cuijpers, J.F.
  • Cunningham Piano Company
  • Currier & Co.
  • Currier Piano Co.
  • Czapka & Sohn


  • Daesung
  • Daewoo
  • Dale Forty
  • Dalibor
  • David à paris
  • D'almaine
  • Daniël
  • Davenport & Treacy
  • Debain et Cie
  • De Blaise
  • Delmar
  • Dassel
  • Dengler
  • D'este
  • Diapason
  • Dietmann
  • Diederichs Freres
  • Dittrich
  • Dobbert
  • Does, van der
  • Döhnert
  • Doina
  • Donath, Max
  • Dörner
  • Dörneberg
  • Doss, Robert
  • Dominion Piano and Organ Co.
  • Dochtermann piano
  • Doutreligne Piano
  • Drachman
  • Dreinhöfer, Wilhelm
  • Dreyer & Co.
  • Driggs, Parmelee & Co.
  • Driggs Patent Piano Co.
  • Driggs & Tooker
  • Duck-Son & Pinker
  • Dulcette
  • Dunham, John B.
  • Dunham, John B. & Co.
  • Dunham & Sons
  • Duysen
  • D.W. Karn
  • Dresden


  • Eastman
  • Eavestaff
  • Ebel & Sohn
  • Ebel, Carl
  • Eckstein
  • Egtved
  • Eisenberg
  • Ekström
  • Elcké
  • Elias
  • Ellington
  • Elysian
  • Emerson
  • Emmer, Wilhelm
  • Erard & Cie, S.& P.
  • Erard- London
  • Erbe, J.
  • Ernst Jacob, Mechanik Fabrik Berlin CO
  • Erste Produktiv-Genossenschaft
  • Ernst Chladni
  • Eterna
  • Etyde
  • Euphona
  • Europa
  • Euterpe
  • Evans
  • Everett
  • Evertides


  • F.Dörner & sohn
  • Fabbrini
  • F.Bach
  • F.Rosener
  • Falcone
  • Fandrich Piano
  • Fandrich & Sons
  • Farfisa
  • Farrand
  • Fayette S. Cable
  • Fazer Musik
  • Feigl, Alois
  • Fenner
  • Fibich
  • Fibiger
  • Fiedler, Gustav
  • Finger
  • Fiona
  • Fischer, Carl
  • J&C Fischer
  • Focké
  • Focké, Georges
  • Forenede
  • Forrest
  • Foster
  • Förster & Co.
  • Francke
  • French
  • French Starck
  • Franz Wolek in Wien
  • Fritz Dobbert
  • Fuchs
  • Fuchs & Möhr
  • Fuder, G.


  • Gebr. Perzina
  • Gebruder Stingl
  • Geissler, F.
  • George Steck
  • Gerard
  • Gerbstädt
  • Gerhard Adams
  • Gerhard Heintzman
  • Gerstenberger
  • Gevaert
  • Geyer
  • Gilbert Hoffman
  • Giles Pianos Ltd.
  • Gillot-Straube
  • Glos & Pflug,Wien
  • Glass & Co.
  • Glenz (Josef) Breslau
  • Godfrey
  • Goetze & Co.
  • Goetze-Gross
  • Gordon & Bailey
  • Gordon Laughead
  • Gourlay
  • Görs & Spangenberg
  • Gotha
  • Gotzmann
  • Graf, Conrad
  • Graf, Hermann
  • Grand
  • Grande
  • Gratiae
  • Grau, F.
  • Grimm
  • Grinnell Bros.
  • Grover
  • Grunert
  • Gulbransen
  • Gunther, J.
  • Gunther & Sohne
  • Gustafson & Ljungqvist


  • Haake, Karl
  • Haddorff
  • Hadley
  • Haegele of Aalen
  • Haessler
  • Hagspiel
  • Hahn, Alb.
  • Hain, Stephan
  • Haines Bros.
  • Haileer
  • Hailun
  • Halle &
  • Hallet, Davis & Co.
  • Hallett & Cumston
  • Hallett, Russell
  • Hals
  • Hamburger
  • Hamilton
  • Hammond
  • Hampton
  • Hanlet
  • Hannon Hall
  • Hansen, A.
  • Hansen, Julius
  • Hillmann
  • Hansmann, Gebr.
  • Hardman
  • Harimatis
  • Harmsworth & Company
  • Harold, F.E.
  • Harrison, V. F.
  • Hartge, Henry
  • Hartmann, W.
  • Harvard
  • Harwood
  • Hasche
  • Hasselaar
  • Hasseldieck, Dietrich
  • Hasti Asghari
  • Hauch, J.B.
  • Hausmann
  • Hautrive
  • Hayelson
  • Hayes, E. T.
  • Hayt, Babcock & Appleton
  • Hayts, Babcock & Appleton
  • Hazelton & Brother
  • Hazelton Brothers
  • Healy
  • Hedke, Wilh.
  • Hegeler
  • Heiden, Carl von
  • Heinisch
  • Heitzmann & Sohn
  • Heller
  • Hellas
  • Hellström
  • Helmholz
  • Heppel & Theilig
  • Hergens, A. G.
  • Hermann
  • Herrburger
  • Herrmann, Alexander
  • Herz Neveu, Philippe
  • Heyl, Gustav
  • Hijz, Ernest
  • Hillgärtner, Heinrich
  • Hilton
  • Hindsberg
  • Hinze
  • Hlucháň
  • Hoek
  • Hoepfner
  • Hoerr, Franz
  • Hofbauer, Gustav
  • Hoffmann, August
  • Hoffmann, Georg
  • Hoffmann & Kühne
  • Hofmann
  • Hofmann & Czerny
  • Hofmann, Karl
  • Hofmann & Scholz
  • Hofmann & Schulze
  • Hohner
  • Hölling & Spangenberg
  • Holzl & Heitzmann
  • Hoff & Co.
  • Hopkinson
  • Hornung & Moeller
  • Hörügel
  • Howard
  • Howard Piano Co.
  • Hummel
  • Hundt & Sohn
  • Hupfeld
  • Hupfer Pianos
  • Humphrey, London
  • Huntington
  • Hyfte, van C.
  • Hyundai



  • J. Erbe Eisenach
  • Jacob Bros.
  • Jahn
  • James & Holmstrom
  • Janowsky, M.
  • Janssen
  • Jarret & Goudge
  • Jasper
  • Jaschinsky, A.
  • Jefferson
  • Jehle
  • Jelmini
  • Jewett, Boston
  • John Raper co.
  • Jong de
  • Jørgensen, Brødr.
  • Julius Bach MFG
  • Jurkat, C.
  • Jayel


A Kingsbury piano, made by the Cable Piano Company.
  • Kadette
  • Kaim
  • Kaim & Gunther
  • Kaiser
  • Kann, Georg
  • Kappler
  • Kasselman
  • Katzmarek & Co.
  • Keilberg
  • Keislair
  • Kemble
  • Kenny & Sons
  • Kent & Cooper
  • Kessels
  • Kester, Ludwig
  • Keylard
  • Kilbourne
  • Kingsburg
  • Kingsbury
  • Kirkman
  • Kirschner
  • Kisting
  • Klavins
  • Klein
  • Klima
  • Klingmann
  • Kloppe, H.
  • Knake
  • Knauer
  • Knauss
  • Knight
  • Knöchel Ad.
  • Knudsen, J.
  • Knudsen & Sons
  • Koch & Korselt
  • Koch & Co.
  • Kohler & Campbell
  • Kort de
  • Kraft, Aug.
  • Kramer
  • Kranich & Bach
  • Krasnii Oktyabr' (Leningrad)
  • Krause, Max
  • Krauss
  • Krell & French
  • Krell
  • Kreuizbach
  • Kreutzbach, Julius
  • Kreutzer
  • Kriebel
  • Kriegelstein
  • Kriegelstein & Arnaud
  • Kriegelstein & Plantade
  • Krumm
  • Kuhla
  • Kuhse, Johann
  • Kunst
  • Kunz
  • Kupers
  • K.Fenner
  • Kurtzmann & Sons


Lauberger & Gloss
  • La Petite
  • Labrousse
  • Lager
  • Lagonda
  • Lagrima
  • Lakeside
  • Lambert
  • Lancaster
  • Lauberger & Gloss
  • Laughead, Gordon
  • Laurence & Nash
  • Laurence & Sons, Alex
  • Legnica
  • Leguerinais
  • Lehman
  • Lehmann, Adolf
  • Lehmann de Lehnsfeld
  • Leichel
  • Leijser
  • Leipzig
  • Lerpée, Carl
  • Lesage
  • Leschen, Wilhelm
  • Lester
  • Leswein
  • Leutke
  • Lichtental
  • Liederstrom
  • Liehr
  • Lieshout & Zonen, M. van
  • Lichtenthal, Hermann
  • Lighte, F. C.
  • Lighte & Bradburys
  • Lighte & Ernst
  • Lighte & Newton
  • Lighte, Newton & Bradburys
  • Lincoln
  • Lindbergh
  • Lindeman & Sons
  • Linden
  • Lindholm
  • Lindner
  • Lindner & Sohn, I.P.
  • Lindsay
  • Linke
  • Lipczinsky, Max
  • Lipp
  • Lippmann
  • Lirika
  • Littmann
  • Livingstone
  • Lohmann Piano Co.
  • Lorenz
  • Love, Malcolm
  • Ludwig
  • Luis Verdugo & Hijo
  • Lummer, Wilh.
  • Luner
  • Lyon & Healy
  • Lyra
  • Lyrica


  • Maeari-Hyundai
  • Maetzke
  • Mag
  • Mage
  • Magrini
  • Mahler
  • Maier,K.
  • Malmsjö
  • Mand
  • Mann, Theodor
  • Manner & Co.
  • Manner & Gabler
  • Mannhorg
  • Mansfield
  • Manthey
  • Marion
  • Maristany
  • Martins & Ouvrier
  • Markx
  • Marschall & Mittauer
  • Marshall & Rose
  • Marshall & Wendell
  • Mason & Risch
  • Matthaes
  • Matz & Co.
  • Mätzke, Ed.
  • Max Horn Zwickau
  • May
  • McPhail, A. M.
  • Mecklenburg
  • Meister
  • Meldorf
  • Melford
  • Melodic
  • Melville Clark
  • Menzel
  • Mercedes
  • Merkur
  • Mes, A.
  • Metropolitan
  • Meyer, Conrad
  • Meyer, Herman
  • Michelle
  • Mignon
  • Mikula, Gebr.
  • Miller, Henry F. Miller (Boston)
  • Milton, (John)
  • Minse
  • Moore & Moore
  • Morley, Robert
  • Morrison & Harrison
  • Mörs
  • Mozart piano company
  • Müller
  • Müller-Schiedmayer
  • Mussard
  • Muzelle
  • Mühlbach, F.


  • Nagel
  • Nakamichi
  • Natori
  • Nehammer
  • Nelson
  • Nemetschke
  • Neuburger, Adolf
  • Neugebauer
  • Neumann
  • Neumeyer, Gebr.
  • Neupert
  • New Winsor
  • Niederländer
  • Niedermeyer
  • Nieër
  • Niemeyer
  • Niendorf
  • Nijmatten
  • Nocturno
  • Noeske
  • Nordiska
  • Nord Piano
  • Nützmann, Adolf


  • Oktava


  • Packard
  • Painter & Ewing
  • Palatino
  • Paling minor
  • Pallik & Schicker
  • Pallik & Stiasny
  • Pape fils (Frédéric-Eugène)
  • Pappenberger
  • Papps
  • Parttart, Alois
  • Paukert
  • Paul Werner (Dresden)
  • Pawlek, Josef
  • Peek and Son
  • Pepper
  • Period Piano Company
  • Perzina, Gebr.
  • Peterborgh
  • Petrov
  • Peukert
  • Pfaffe, Julius
  • Pfeiffer
  • Pfeiffer, J.
  • Philipps
  • Phillip
  • Phillips
  • Piano Disc
  • Pianova
  • Picassi
  • Plymouth
  • Poestkoke
  • Pohlmann, Leonhard
  • Pokorny
  • Poletti & Tuinman
  • Pons Gary
  • Poole
  • Prein, Friedrich
  • President
  • Prestel
  • Price & Teeple
  • Probst, Georg
  • Produktiv-G.,E.
  • Proksch, A.
  • Proskowec
  • Protze
  • Psalmist
  • Purcell



  • Rachals
  • Raehse-Repia
  • Rameau
  • Ramsberger
  • Rathke, R.
  • Rahmann
  • Rauzer
  • Ravenstein
  • Ravenscroft
  • Red October
  • Regent
  • Reichelt & Birnbaum
  • Reid Sohn
  • Reingardt, V. K.
  • Reinhard
  • Reinhold
  • Reino Ikonen
  • Reisbach
  • Rekewitz, Wilh.
  • Renn
  • Repia
  • Rhiendorf
  • Richard Lipp & Sohn
  • Ridgewood
  • Rieger-Kloss
  • Riese
  • Riga
  • Rijken
  • Rijken & de Lange
  • Rippen
  • Ritter
  • Robinson
  • Rogers
  • Rogers, George
  • Rohlfing
  • Rohr, Alfred
  • Roland
  • Roller & Blanchet
  • Roloff, H
  • Römhildt
  • Ronaldi
  • Rordorf
  • Rösch-Le Sage
  • Rosenbach
  • Rosenberg
  • Rosenkranz
  • Rösler
  • Roth & Junius
  • Roth Pianos
  • Royale
  • Royale-Classic
  • Rubenstein
  • Ruch
  • Russell and Russell
  • Russell, George
  • Ruyter
  • Robinson


  • Sabel
  • Sagenhaft
  • Sakura
  • Samaniego
  • Sames,William
  • Sandbergen
  • Sängler & Sohne
  • Sassmann
  • Saturn
  • Sauter
  • Schaaf & Co.
  • Schaaf, Hermann
  • Schadhauser, Johann
  • Schafer & Sons
  • Schanz
  • Scharf & Hauk
  • Scheel, Carl
  • Schellenkens, G.
  • Schell, Lothar
  • Schemelli & Co.
  • Schiedmayer, J.& P.
  • Schilling, Fr.
  • Schindhelm
  • Schindler
  • Schirmer & Son
  • Schlögl
  • Schmidt
  • Schmidt-Flohr
  • Schmidt Pianos
  • Schmitz
  • Schnell, R.A.
  • Scholze
  • Schramm&Sons
  • Schröder, C.M.
  • Schroeder
  • Schröther
  • Schruder
  • Schubert
  • Schuerman
  • Schultz & Sons
  • Schulze & Sohn
  • Schulze & Pollmann
  • Schumann
  • Schuppe & Neumann
  • Schütz & Co.
  • Schütze
  • Schuetze & Ludolff
  • Schweizerstein
  • Schwester
  • Seeger
  • Seidel, Rob
  • Seidel & Sohn
  • Seiler, Ed.
  • Seiler, Max
  • Sejung Piano Co.
  • Settergren
  • Settergren Piano Co.
  • Seuffert
  • Sherlock - Manning
  • Sherman, Clay
  • Shima-Jehle
  • Shimler
  • Shigeru
  • Shigeru Kawai
  • Shoninger
  • Shorewood
  • Siegel, Rudolf
  • Siewert
  • Silbermann
  • Singer
  • Skop
  • Silvia
  • Smart, Charles
  • Smidt & Wegener
  • Snel
  • Sojin
  • Solton
  • Sonor
  • Sonore
  • Soph, Joseph
  • Sopnnagel
  • Soward
  • Spencer
  • Spencer & Murdoch
  • Squire
  • Squire and Longson
  • Standaart
  • Stapel
  • Starckette & Kenmore
  • Starr Piano Co.
  • Staub & Co.
  • Staub, J.
  • Steck
  • Steck, George
  • Steger & Sons
  • Steigerman
  • Stein
  • Steinbach
  • Steinbach, Alex
  • Steinberg
  • Steinberg, Gerh.
  • Steinberg, Wilh
  • Steiner, B.
  • Steiner, Bernhard
  • Steinhoven
  • Steinmann, Wilh.
  • Steinmayer
  • Steinthal, L.
  • Steinway Haus
  • Stelzhammer
  • Stenger
  • Sterling
  • Stichel, F.
  • Stingl, Gebr.
  • Stingl, Ignaz
  • Stöcker, Theodor
  • Stockholm
  • Stoddart
  • Story & Clark
  • Strauss
  • Streicher
  • Strindberg
  • Strohmenger & Sons
  • Strothier
  • Stroud
  • Stuyvesant
  • Stultz
  • Sturn
  • Suzuki
  • Svahnquist
  • Svenska


  • Tallone
  • Tamta
  • Taubert
  • Tchaikovsky
  • Temple
  • Tetsch & May
  • Thalèn
  • Thayer
  • Theilig, Rich.
  • Thein
  • Therson
  • Thomas & Avarsea
  • Thuringer
  • Tischner, J. A.
  • Tokiwa
  • Tolkien
  • tonk
  • Tormin, C.
  • Toyo
  • Toyo Appolo
  • Trautwein
  • Trübger, Emil
  • Tschaika
  • Tuch & Geyer


  • Ühlmann
  • Ukraina
  • United Piano Makers, New York
  • Urbas, Johann
  • Urbas & Kuhne
  • Urbas & Reishauer
  • Urk & Sons


  • Van Hyfte
  • Van der Does
  • Van Lieshout
  • Van Veen J.
  • Van Veen W.
  • Verkooij
  • Vermy
  • Vertigrand
  • Victor W.H Paling & Co
  • Vijgeboom Joh.
  • Vijgeboom Johs.
  • Van Vloten
  • Vose & Sons
  • Vogel & Co.
  • Vogel, Robert
  • Vogel & Sohn
  • Vogeler & Co.
  • Voigt, Adolf Ernst
  • Volkening
  • Vollmer
  • Vough


  • Waddington
  • Wagner
  • Waldhäusl, Robert
  • Waldstein
  • Wallace Ash
  • Walsmann M.
  • Walter, Charles R.
  • Waltham Piano Co.
  • Warfield
  • Wasniczek
  • Waters, Horace
  • Weaver
  • Webster
  • Wegman
  • Weidenslaufer
  • Weidig, C.
  • Weihenmeyer & Co.
  • Weinbach
  • Weinstein and Sons
  • Weiss
  • Weissbrod
  • Wellington
  • Welmar U.K.
  • Welzel P.F.
  • Werch, Lothar
  • Werner, F.W.
  • Werner, Hans
  • Westbrook
  • Westerlund
  • Wetzel
  • Whelpdale
  • Whitmore
  • Whitney
  • Whittaker
  • Wieck
  • Wieler
  • Williams & Son, R.S.
  • Williams Piano Co.
  • Williamson
  • Willermann
  • Wilson
  • Winchester
  • Windhofer, Rudolf
  • Windover
  • Windsor
  • Winkelmann & Co.
  • Winkler, Paul
  • Winter & Co.
  • Wirth, Johann
  • Wittmayer
  • Witton and Witton
  • Wohlfahrt
  • Woodchester
  • W. P. Emerson Piano Co.
  • W.Naessens
  • Wyman



  • Yangtze River


  • Zahl, Georg
  • Zeitter & Winkelmann
  • Zender, Sydney
  • Zwang
  • Zwicki

• Zapka

See also[edit]

  • Piano key frequencies (in equal temperament)



  • Larry Fine; The Piano Book: Buying & Owning a New or Used Piano (Annual Supplement to the Piano Book); Brookside Press; 2005; ISBN1-929145-17-9
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_piano_brand_names&oldid=991698325'

Th is fa ctory was closed in 1986. When it was exhibited vose and sons piano serial number the International Exposition snd Paris in 1900 it was honored with an award The Grand Prix which has never been bestowed on any, other American piano, and the highest honor ever received by any, piano made In America. Information we have available on the historical brand Vose & Sons. We have information on many other piano brands as well. Serial Numbers Available: yes.

In 1889 James W. Vose admitted his three sons, Willard A. Vose, Irving B. Vose and Julien W. Vose, into the business and established the firm of “Vose & Sons”.

Like most Boston-based piano makers, Vose and Sons has stood the expectation of manufacturing truly exceptional pianos. Despite the fact that these pianos are no longer manufactured, they are still lined up with some of the best pianos of our age.

Company History

James Whiting Vose established in the company in 1851 on Washington Street in Boston. The legend of hercules full movie download in hindi hd. Boston was home to a huge population of old world craftsmen who had immigrated to the United States from the old country during the 19th century.

These craftsmen all had the amazing skills in woodworking and piano building, and Vose was one of them; having all these talents, he took the advantage of the time and workforce he had to open a business that, unknown to him, would someday become one of the most well known names in the industry.

Vose manufactured a number of high quality square grand, upright, and grand pianos under the name “James W. Vose” during his time. In 1889, James brought his sons into the business and established the name we know today as Vose and Sons.

During the 1920s, Vose and Sons opened a new state-of-the-art factory in Watertown, Greater Boston. The Great Depression appeared not long after and the firm was forced to become a part of the huge Aeolian-American Corporation. The Vose name continued to be manufactured until the 1980’s when Aeolian went out of business.

Vose and Sons is one of the finest pianos we see coming through our restoration shop today.

Vose and Sons Today

Many of these pianos have made it up to our present day. Since they are no longer manufactured, Vose and Sons can now be seen in second hand shops, restoration and rebuilding facilities.

Despite their age, piano technicians and piano rebuilders often refer to Vose pianos as 'work horses,' simply saying that these instruments are well made and that they can endure heavy use and long periods of time.

Anyone who considers a Vose and Sons piano for purchase, or to rebuild, is choosing a piano, worthy of restoration and repair.

In spite of their age, many still seek these pianos out, desiring to have one for themselves, as Vose and Sons have proven to endure under the test of time.

Vose And Sons Serial Number 26664

Vose And Sons Serial Numbers

In the list of serial numbers below, locate your Vose and Sons piano age.

1853 - 500
1855 - 1400
1860 - 2900
1865 - 3600
1870 - 5000
1880 - 13000
1885 - 17000
1890 - 26300
1895 - 35000
1900 - 44000
1905 - 57000
1910 - 68000
1915 - 78000
1920 - 86000
1925 - 93300
1930 - 101000
1970 - 102700
1975 - 114100
1980 - 119100
1982 - 120200

Vose And Sons Cabinet Grand


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1907-4600 1908-5400 1909-6300 1910-7200
1911-8000 1912-9100 1913-10300 1914-11500
1915-12700 1916-13600 1917-14500 1918-15400
1919-16200 1920-17000 1921-17800 1922-18600
1923-19000 1924-19890 1925-20300 1926-20900

Vose And Sons Serial Numbers

Jesse French Numbers

1904-26900 1905-29400 1906-31600 1907-32500
1908-38700 1909-41600 1910-43750 1911-45500
1912-49200 1913-53000 1914-57000 1915-60200
1916-42500 1917-65200 1918-68300 1919-70500
1920-74200 1921-77000 1922-80000 1923-83000
1924-86000 1925-91800 1926-93500 1927-96000
1928-100000 1929-104000 1930-105000 1931-106000
1932-107000 1933-108000

Vose And Sons Pianos

1903-1900 1910-7200 1917-14500 1924-19800

ACROSONIC (Baldwin Uprights and Verticals, Classic, Ellington, Franke, Howard before 1959, Kremlin, Manuelo, Modello, Monarch, St. Regis, Sargent, Schroeder, Valley Gem and Winton). All Baldwin Upright or Vertical Pianos - Does not include Hamilton Studios or Baldwin Grand Pianos.

Vose And Sons Piano Company

1895-2000 1917-100000 1935-251000 1955-559490 1973- 979129 1991-1487131
1900-9000 1918-109000 1936-265000 1956-585454 1974-1007687 1992-1501002
1901-12000 1919-118000 1937-275000 1957-610502 1975-1035719 1993-1512277
1902-16000 1920-127000 1938-290000 1958-632951 1976-1067508 1994-1521569
1903-21000 1921-136000 1939-301000 1959-655948 1977-1104802 1995-1529416
1904-26000 1922-145000 1940-304000 1960-679844 1978-1135737 1996-1536461
1905-31000 1923-154000 1941-307000 1961-702806 1979-1180266 1997-1543640
1906-36000 1924-162000 1942-314000 1962-723778 1980-1220374 1998-1550294
1907-41000 1925-172000 1943-333000 1963-743772 1981-1253176 1999-1556890
1908-46500 1926-182000 1946-365000 1964-763143 1982-1286178 2000-1563028
1909-52000 1927-192000 1947-385000 1965-784017 1983-1324487 2001-1568712
1910-57000 1928-200000 1948-401000 1966-803727 1984-1343955 2002-1570652
1911-62000 1929-210000 1949-438000 1967-831583 1985-1365505 2003-1572931
1912-67000 1930-217000 1950-450300 1968-851540 1986-1383187 2004-1573872
1913-72000 1931-223000 1951-466250 1969-881087 1987-1406054 2005-1575075
1914-77000 1932-232000 1952-488364 1970-912986 1988-1430796 2006-1575411
1915-83000 1933-238000 1953-503000 1971-933476 1989-1453070 2007-1573765
1916-91000 1934-247000 1954-535801 1972-953937 1990-1470443 2008-1577266