Update Smargo Firmware

If no automatic update is set for the inverter in the communication product (e.g. SMA Data Manager, Cluster Controller, Sunny Portal) or via the user interface of the inverter, you have the option of carrying out a manual firmware update.

There are two options to update the firmware:

  • Update the firmware via the user interface of the inverter.

  • Update the firmware via USB flash drive.

Updating firmware via the user interface

Probao sam update na stare verzije smarga ali ne radi update! This post has been edited 1 times. Argolis Smargo Smartreader V2 update problem. Support, Im having problems with updating the Smargo Smartreader V2 that I. For the openpli-firmware? Software for the game of Go, with apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Windows. Smargo Smartreader V2. Smargo Smartreader Firmware update V1.04. Help; CRAZY OFFER! Xtrend ET7100v2 DVB-C/T2 Cable/Terrestrial HD Enigma 2 single tuner only £49! LAST REMAINING STOCK! Fantastic Cable/Freeview HD PVR Receiver! I want to say to whoever wrotee this crap of cracked smargo update tool, THANK YOU FOR KILLING MY SMARGO READER!


  • An update file with the desired inverter firmware must be available. The update file is, for example, available for download on the product page of the inverter at www.SMA-Solar.com. To download the update file, it is necessary to enter the serial number of the inverter.


Update Smargo Firmware
  1. Activate the user interface ( > Establishing a connection to the user interface).
  2. Log into the user interface ( > Logging In and Out of the User Interface).
  3. Select the menu Device Configuration.
  4. In the inverter row, click on the gear icon and select Update firmware.
  5. Select [Browse] and select the update file for the inverter.
  6. Select Update firmware.
  7. Follow the instructions in the dialog.

Updating the Firmware via USB Flash Drive


  • A USB flash drive with maximum 32 GB and file system FAT32 must be available.

Update Smargo Firmware

Update Smargo Firmware Windows 7


  1. Create an 'UPDATE' folder on the USB stick.
  2. Save the update file with the desired firmware in the 'UPDATE' folder on the USB flash drive. The update file is, for example, available for download on the product page of the inverter at www.SMA-Solar.com. Make sure that only the update file to which the inverter is to be updated must be saved on the USB flash drive.
  3. Danger to life due to high voltages

    1. Disconnect the inverter from any voltage sources and open the enclosure lid of the Connection Unit (see the inverter installation manual).
  4. Insert the USB flash drive in the USB port on the communication assembly.
  5. Commission the inverter (see inverter installation manual).
  6. During start-up phase of the inverter, the desired firmware is being installed. At the same time, the status of the update is shown in the display: Update status: xxxxxxx
  7. Once the desired firmware has been installed in the inverter, the status successful is shown in the display.
  8. If the message error occurred is shown in the display, perform the firmware update again.
  9. Danger to life due to high voltages

    1. Disconnect the inverter from any voltage sources and open the enclosure lid of the Connection Unit (see the inverter installation manual).
  10. Pull the USB flash drive out of the USB port.
  11. Commission the inverter (see inverter installation manual).

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Update Smargo Firmware Update

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Update Smargo Firmware Free

  • stauffie


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